The blank page is one of the most common, and one of the most daunting challenges of a writer. Setting out on a new project, with nothing but an empty space and the desire to fill it, can be crushing
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner and the Road to Get Out
Sidney Poitier passed away recently. The film world, knowing the insurmountable legacy Poitier left behind, sprang to honour the memory of his immense talent and influence on the betterment of not only Hollywood, but America’s racial dialogue as a whole.
New Year’s Writing Resolutions
As we leave the festivities of New Year’s behind, some people will have already done the same with their New Year’s resolutions. For whatever reason, it can be tough to stick to a responsible plan for self-improvement, let alone in
Playtime – Straying from Convention
This year, the Sight and Sound poll, the most respected poll of critics in the world, held once every ten years, will be conducted once again. Most eyes are on where Citizen Kane will fall this round, having dipped below