Stephen ‘Spling’ Aspeling came up with the idea for ‘Bingeing with Spling’ during lockdown. Now onto the fifth event of its kind, the film critic is starting to find a rhythm to the monthly watch party event. Having hosted several cinema screening events in the past, Spling realised that much of what he was trying to achieve at a physical movie experience could be done on digital platforms.

Watch Spling’s Short Film Introduction

Allowing users to turn their home cinema and couch into the venue, he took a page from M-NET’s Sunday Night Movie and coupled this with the Academy’s social media watch party concept. Instead of just making it one movie, he’s super-sized the event and turned it into a movie night festival.

Inviting guests, getting exclusive interviews, special features and pushing the interactive element across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp… it’s a big chill session curated and hosted by Spling.

There’s nothing really like it at the moment and Spling’s drive to make it so much more than just a movie is taking a bit of time for people to digest. Those who have attended a Bingeing with Spling watch party absolutely love it but it’s taking time to educate and win people over.

This Halloween’s movie night festival is built around the idea of watching horror movies on the night. We’re watching The Cleaning Lady as the main feature, Videoman as a double feature and opening the watch party with a short film horror comedy called It’s Complicated.

To get the party started, we’ve got Marc van der Meulen and Terminatryx who will be getting us into the spirit of all things eerie with a cover of John Carpenter’s Halloween theme and a creepy cover of Animotion’s Obesession.

Our special guests are actor Stelio Savante, horror author Joan De La Haye and director Grant De Sousa. Spling will be interviewing each of them about their featured films and craft. Spling will also be in conversation with The Cleaning Lady’s lead actress Rachel Alig and writer-director and producer, Jon Knautz.

A new feature is the Event Tracker, where audiences can follow the movie night with live updates and links on the event overview. You can even use it to catch up on interviews, trailers, teasers or giveaways in case you missed them.

Bingeing with Spling: Halloween 2020 Edition
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