I’m excited to say that my newest screenplay, a spy thriller, is well under way. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the screenwriting process with my writing partner, Matt Steinauer, thus far.
Coming up with a story that excites you as a writer is often the toughest part of the process due to the unlimited possibilities. In our case we started with a location that would be available to us: two adjacent apartment complexes, which include a pool and the interiors of two apartments. This reigned in our creative freedom, but allowed us access to our leads’ physical world. We knew it would involve a level of voyeurism, much like in Rear Window and What Lies Beneath, so a spy thriller seemed like the most appropriate genre.
Creating characters and storylines followed, while making sure that the pace was constantly driving forward and keeping the viewer guessing. We are set to shoot it before the end of the year, so watch this space! ~ Angelique Pretorius