Around 1937, Wolcott Gibbs, editor for The New Yorker from 1927 till the day he died, received a request from Katherine White. She was trying out a new batch of writers and wanted a general set of guidelines from Gibbs.
What Happened to Fun Villains?
There’s a new Home Alone movie out, called Home Sweet Home Alone. It’s a soft-reboot (meaning a sequel in the series that just retreads the plot of the original film with new characters), and the titular ‘Home Sweet Home’ is
John Boorman on Hell in the Pacific
Hell in the Pacific is a 1968 film by John Boorman. During the second world war, an American pilot (Lee Marvin) washes up on a deserted island in the pacific and finds that he is not alone. A Japanese naval
Jodorowsky’s Plans for his Dune Film
To celebrate the announcement of Dune Part Two as well as the upcoming The Incal film, let’s revisit a strange time in movie history when the world’s of Dune and Alejandro Jodorowsky intersected briefly. Jodorowsky is supremely weird, and the