When it comes to screenwriting, you can start off on a blank page and just see where it takes you or you can play ahead with an outline. While the writing what comes approach is freeing, it typically requires more rewriting and “panel-beating” in order to get your screenplay into shape at a later stage. The outline is there to give you a solid starting point, eliminate clutter, provide clear direction and helps writers keep their eyes on the road.

When you’re commissioned to write a screenplay or collaborate with film-makers, it can be an incredible time-saver to agree on the outline before embarking on your project. Getting final sign off on this road map, can ensure smooth-sailing and prevent unnecessary detours or reworking of your original script.

how outlines shape screenplays

The outline is crucial, offering organisation and structure for you to visualise beyond the bones of your script. Getting a logical order of events and building to a satisfying conclusion makes the process of writing so much easier.

The plan extends to character development, taking the time to set out character arcs enabling them to grow and evolve through the story. This development includes identifying key plot points, weaving in conflict and ultimately adds up to a compelling narrative.

Outline gives you a skeleton structure for your screenplay but can also give you the aerial view of your script so that you can regulate pace – clipping unnecessary scenes or bypassing lulls.

The outline is also a marketing tool, giving screenwriters the ability to share the core concept and screenplay flow with possible collaborators and investors to measure marketability and help get funding.

How Outlines Shape Your Screenplay
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