Reviewmyscript makes it easier for screenwriters and filmmakers to get an objective opinion. Being a complete outsider, we can provide writers and creators with constructive, honest and seasoned experience to help you craft the best possible version of your screenplay or film. From idea to screen, you can get involved to assist with creative, character, dialogue, tone… whatever you think you need help with.

It’s useful to get feedback from colleagues, friends and family. As useful as these comments may be, they’re restrained by their relationship with you. Consulting with an independent writing service means you get professional feedback with fewer filters. Assessing the merits of the work without prejudice, there’s a better chance of us pinpointing the real issues. We’re here to be a sounding board to ask the difficult questions and receive comment that is educated and unbiased.
Sometimes when you get too close to your project, it becomes difficult to determine what needs work or where you could improve. Even if you decide to sidestep the advice, it’s better to have the option to action it when it’s still possible. Our notes have helped filmmakers refine their pre-existing story with choice reshoots, chisel and flesh out characters or solve foundational narrative problems. Watching so many stories play out on film every week, this organic experiential knowledge can make all the difference when it comes to making better creative choices.
We recently had a documentary film-maker come to us for advice on how to frame her project. A documentary heavily invested in relaying information, she was looking to make the infotainment more edutaining and accessible. Taking a look at the film overview and what it encompassed in terms of the current format, we were able to suggest a variety of ways to enhance the information and structure it in a more appealing way.
Another client came to us with a stage adaptation, wanting advice on whether it could work as a film or not. Reviewing the screenplay and offering more in-depth analysis, we were able to give the screenwriter a good idea of how the film would be received as if we’d watched it. Wanting additional insights, he requested that we go into more detail about the nitty-gritty of dialogue and scenes in building the film and leaning into the comedy genre.